A dirt road stretches before me. It is along this road that
Jesus has already walked. Actually, he’s also skipped, jumped and ran along the
road. He has encountered people along the road. He has softened hearts. He has
given people a desperate longing to experience eternal love. He has stirred
dreams and visions inside their hearts. And his footprints still remain; he has
truly prepared the way. This road is India. More specifically, this road is the
unique path designed for my team’s short-term trip to India. Jesus has already
carved out an inheritance for us, and it is a beautiful inheritance. The key to
unlocking this inheritance is intimacy and friendship with Jesus himself. We must
know him deeply and be in fellowship with him constantly to follow in his
footsteps. He will take us by the hand and show us the way. As this road
stretches before me already impacted by the presence of God, me and my team
also walk, skip, jump and run along the road. We put our small feet into his
big footprints. And as we do, we gain our inheritance and take back ground from
the kingdom of darkness.
This is a beautiful vision that God gave me of what He has
for our team on this short trip to Bangalore, India. We are a team marked by
favor and intimacy. We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of
our testimony. And as we do, I would love for anyone who is reading this blog
to partner in prayer with us!
So, here is how you can pray:
- Pray for grace and favor as we share the gospel with Hindus and Muslims.
- Pray for us to encounter people who are truly hungry for Jesus and not only desire salvation, but also discipleship.
- Pray for house churches to be started.
- Pray for unity on our team and for us to deeply love one another. We will only reproduce what we are.
- Pray that every morning each of us meets with God in a powerful way and receives everything we need to love others from his heart.
- Pray for safety in travels and favor in all the practical details of our trip.
- And anything else you feel led by the Spirit to ask God for!
I’ll post an update on all my exciting Indian adventures
when I get back. See ya on the flip!