A couple years ago, I went to an interactive prayer room
during a church-wide fast. When I walked in, I saw this tree with words beside
it that said something like, “How do you change the world with just one apple?”
There was a basket of seeds, and people were “planting” them in the dirt
surrounding the tree. God recently brought this memory to mind as he has been
teaching me the great value of a seed.
As an American, I come from a culture that likes to get
results fast. Fast food. Fastpass. 5 minute oil change. High-speed internet. In
this fast-paced culture, I sometimes forget the glory of planting a seed. I can
often despise the day of small beginnings. Sometimes we think that since we
can’t do everything and see results right away, we can do nothing. But Jesus was
always talking about planting seeds. Producing fruit that will last. He could have chosen to change the world
in anyway he wanted. His main thing could have been preaching to thousands and
altar calls. But it wasn’t. He chose to change the world through investing his
life in twelve people. Discipleship. The one apple way. And it worked, from
Jesus to the disciples all the way to you and me.
This works because Jesus and his people were in it for the
long haul. Jesus has never been about broad and shallow; that may touch many
for a moment, but it doesn’t change the world. He loved widely but invested
deeply. This way isn’t quick or easy. But it is lasting and reproducing. Jesus rejoiced in those who chose the one apple way. The
widow who invested her entire lifesavings, two pennies, into the church. The
servants who reproduced the talents given to them. Faith as small as a mustard
seed can move mountains. It doesn’t matter how much you have, but it does
require all that you have.
Did you know that you could actually feed the nations with
one apple? It just depends what you do with the apple. You can change the world
with your life. It just depends what you do with that life. Your life is like
this apple. You can eat it, throw away the core, and in an instant there is
nothing left. This is how many people treat their life; they waste it. Or you
can invest it. Take the seeds and plant them. Seeds of the gospel. Seeds of
prayer. Seeds of love. Seeds of discipleship. Seeds of whatever passion Jesus
has given you. Watch them grow. And produce fruit that far outlasts your own
life. Leave a legacy. Change the world… with an apple.
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